#SFT Insights

Sopra Financial Technology – Shaping tomorrow’s financial world together

Oct 26, 2023
Sopra Financial Technology

Christian Pfeiffer, our Deputy CEO, says “the world of finance has changed massively”. New technologies are being developed at a rapid pace, regulatory requirements are in flux and individual customer needs are served. Companies must be aware of this and think innovatively if they are to succeed in this industry. At Sopra Financial Technology, we have done just that.

Take a look at our image film and the accompanying Handelsblatt article to get an insight into our vision and how we are tackling today’s challenges in the financial sector. Our mission at Sopra Financial Technology is to create sustainable value for our customers by supporting them with our end-to-end offering of modular software, secure operations and cutting-edge financial technology.

We are aware of the fact that our customers are constantly looking for progressive solutions to secure their competitive advantage. This is where we come in. Our expertise in financial technology enables us to develop customized solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of clients.

Learn about the outcome of our realignment and what drives us as a team in the video.

Are you ready to join us in shaping the future of the financial industry? Together we’ll be Shaping Financial Tomorrow!