
Sopra Banking Summit in Paris: focus on trends and networking

Oct 20, 2023
Sopra Financial Technology

From October 10th – 12th, 2023, we had some exciting days at the Sopra Banking Summit in Paris in cooperation with our strategic partner aixigo. Our delegation, consisting of Florian Geiling, Carsten Fritz and Christopher Baxter, used the opportunity to make valuable contacts and explore as well as present innovative ideas and trends in the financial sector. We also had a lively exchange with our international colleagues from Sopra Banking Software.

A special highlight for us was the panel “Charting the Path to Future Wealth: Unveiling Trends – Shaping the Financial Sector Ahead”, moderated by Alexandra Kohl from our start-up “Investment Management Suite” and Christian Friedrich from aixigo. Together, they provided information on forward-looking topics and trends that will have a significant impact on the financial sector in the coming years:

Hyperpersonalization: the financial world is moving in the direction of increasing individualization. Customers expect tailored solutions and technologies such as AI play a key role in creating personalized offerings.

ESG/Sustainability: Sustainability is a global megatrend that is not only influencing the way companies operate, but also changing investment strategies. Investments must increasingly align with environmental, social and governance criteria.

Heir Generations: In the coming years, significant assets will be transferred from Baby Boomers to Millennials. This has implications for wealth management and requires new approaches.

Artificial intelligence: the question of whether AI is capable of replacing human financial advisors is preoccupying the industry. At the same time, AI offers the opportunity to support advisors in their work process and provide more efficient solutions.

Our startup team is currently working on a variety of goals, including the digitization of investment advice, the development of a “portfolio GPT” and the creation of highly personalized wealth management solutions. In close cooperation with our strategic partner aixigo, we offer a comprehensive investment management solution.

Overall, the Sopra Banking Summit in Paris was a great opportunity to share our vision for the future of the financial sector, make valuable contacts and discuss important trends. We are ready to tackle the challenges of the ever-changing financial world and make our contribution to shaping the future.