
Finsurtech Fantasy Wrap-up

Jul 21, 2023
Sopra Financial Technology

On the 6th of July we had the honour of hosting this year’s Finsurtech Fantasy and it was a great success!

Throughout the day, the Main Stage and Second Stage offered tracks on different topics, immersing visitors in a world full of best practices and visions for the future.

After a welcome from our CEO Tobias Unger, our colleague Florian Geiling kicked off the Main Stage program with a keynote speech followed by a panel discussion on “Next Generation Banking“. The program continued with a session on “Web 3.0“, which was introduced to us by speakers from DATEV eG and CodeCamp:N. “Sustainable finance” was also on the agenda, with speakers from SCHUFA Holding AG, msg for banking ag and UmweltBank AG discussing topics such as transparent sustainability strategies and the rise of sustainability indices. Our colleague Daniela Fenzel, together with CodeCamp:N and Nürnberger Versicherung, rounded off the evening with the topic “Artificial Intelligence“.

Our colleague Alexandra Kohl opened the second stage with the track “Future Wealth Experience“, which was created in cooperation of Sopra Financial Technology and our partner aixigo. The track offered visitors an insight into the most important trends and topics that will shape the financial sector in the future. In the course of the evening, there were further interesting presentations on the topic of “Platform & Security” by Datev eG and adorsys. On this stage, cidaas provided a fitting conclusion with a track on “KYC and Identity Management“.

Networking was also an important part of the event. Simultaneously to the presentations on both stages, several CEOs from the regional FinTech and insurance industry had the opportunity to exchange their views and experiences in an intimate roundtable after the keynote speech “AI fantastic“, presented by Laurent Burdin.

After the highlight of the evening, the presentation of the Finsurtech Fantasy Award, all guests had the opportunity to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with delicious food and cold drinks.

Thanks to everyone involved on and off stage, we had an unforgettable time full of knowledge, innovation and more than 300 wonderful people.

We are already looking forward to 2024, when Finsurtech Fantasy will enter the next round!